Wednesday, 15 December 2010

The interview from the double page spread

Here is the interview from the double page spread

Quickfire consists of only one member; Sam who independently produces and writes all of his music. Originally from Folkestone he now lives in the outskirts of London where he has access to many recording studios and can kick start some serious gigging.
Sam is now not just taking the internet by storm but he is coming across his tracks being sold in independent music retailers. It won’t be long before Sam becomes a super signed act after just two years self promoting.
But now we catch up with him early in November a week after he has just performed at the Leas Cliff Hall.

Which musicians have most influenced you?
I get most of my inspiration from Bloc Party; I really like their style of music. It would be great to receive an award such as the ‘Indie album of the year’ just like they did. I’d like to be as successful as they are. Obviously the Arctic Monkeys are a great influence as they paved the way for bands to come to public attention via the internet; they were one of the first acts. They successfully turned a hobby into a career.

Is your aspiration to become signed one day?
Of course, it is the next step in my career. It’s almost impossible to exist in the music industry without being signed. There isn’t much further I can advance without being signed to a label. I like to think it isn’t too far away.

Do you never worry about not being noticed due to being unsigned?
When you’re unsigned there is always a very high chance that you won’t get noticed. I need all the promotion I can get so when interviews like this come along I’m eager to do them. It shows me that I am being noticed, which is what so many millions of internet bands want.

How did your fan base develop?
It was well over a year before fans started to catch onto my music. First off I created a MySpace page and then a YouTube page where I uploaded my songs. I was getting around 20,000 views on average per song so it wasn’t too bad as a starting point. After a while I decided that it was time to try and get myself more heard; this is why I moved to London. I played for A&R people at The Limehouse Studios who then allowed me to record some tracks there. During the first few months of gigging CDs were given out to people at the end just like the Artic Monkeys did. Word was soon spread and before I knew it the hits on my video were rocketing reaching around the hundred thousands. These videos were just me singing and playing guitar in my flat; filmed by some of my friends. So for uploads like that to be watched that many times was great. Now I get letters from people asking me to play at their venues.

You performed in your home town late September for the first time since moving to London, how was this?
It was great to be back and the reception was amazing. The crowd was singing along with me which always helps to put me more at ease. The applause at the end was incredible; the evening seemed to be a hit. I’ll admit that I was more anxious then the other gigs though. There were a few familiar faces in the crowds which some artists find a comfort but I felt as if I had to get it right to justify my move to London. But no I came away feeling my happiest that I had been that month.

What’s the difference between gigging when you left and now?
Gigging at the beginning was just really small events; like school halls. The schools would arrange a day, a bit like ‘Battle of the Bands’ were students would perform. Most of the space would be taken up by the family and friends so not many people outside of that would see you performing. Now gigs are in bigger and more well known venues just like the Leas Cliff Hall where people come to see just you, not a range of bands. The audience know your songs and they sing along with it; this never happened in the beginning.

Where are you next performing?
Well I’m back up in London to perform. I’m going to be a support act for the Klaxons who specifically asked for an unsigned act. My name was put forward by many of my fans so I was chuffed about that.

Your latest song is called ‘Dressed for sorrow,’ what inspired you to write this track?
This song ‘Dressed for Sorrow’ is all about the funeral of one of my close friends who passed away. We were close so the song is all about celebrating his life, letting him know that we won’t forget him. He was a massive support in my life.

Dressed for Sorrow is available to download from iTunes for just 79p

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Who I chose for the artist

This is the person who I chose as the artist for my magazine. I chose him because he is a lot like the audience of my magazine, he would be able to represent them. He has the same style as many of my audience as well as the same music taste e.g. The Kooks, Arctic Monkeys, The Klaxons.
He was also available for whenever I needed to take the pictures which came in handy when I needed to take more pictures because the first ones were not good enough.
He was also young enough to look like he was an upcoming artist and therefore would make the magazine more believable.

Mood board for the audience of my magazine

This is the mood board for the audience of my magazine. In the board there are a lot of elements related to music e.g. the iPod, instruments, bands and stages. Suggesting that their lives are mostly revolved around the music.
There are many references to festivals such as the stages, the festival style clothes (straw hats) and the alcohol. This suggests that they go to a lot of concerts and a lot of parties.
It also contains many social networking sites such as youtube, twitter and facebook that show they are in touch with what is happening. The magazine gets new artists by looking at who is being talked about on various social networking sites so this mood board suggests that the audience would be some of these people.
It also shows many of their hobbies which would be skateboarding, taking pictures etc which suggest that they are skill full and quite creative in their hobbies.
The style of clothing is hoodies, shirts, skinny jeans and plimsolls. This is why I have chosen the model for my magazine to be wearing a checkered hoody, skinny jeans and some pumps. It fits in with the mood board. There are also many references to him playing his own music and using the social networking sites.

Friday, 26 November 2010

An action plan for my Magazine

What I plan to call the magazine: UnSigned
I have chosen this name because indie rock is also independent rock. Artisits have a do-it yourself approach to music, most acts are unsigned. It is a short title of only 2 syllables so will be easy to remember.

My reader profile:
My target audience would be interested in music. They may play instruments for themselves or just have a love for listening to music. They would be quite open minded about being introduced into new music that is being released. They would like going to concerts and going to see live shows. They would also have an interest in watching TV programs e.g. misfits, skins. Also an interest in many different video games.

Ideas for the front cover image (remember that this is what makes or breaks the magazine sales):  Aiming for a plain background with the singer up front and the other members of group lingering in the background, but they are still seen. The front person will be standing to the side but keeping eye contact wit the readers, the other members will be facing towards the camera. The picture will be taken from higher up as if it is looking down on them, but not too much. This is because the band will be unsigned and an upcoming band in the music world.
What do I need to do to achieve this? (How to find your model, location etc)
  1. Ask friends and family to be models             
  2. Try out different locations to see what is best
3.    Look around the area for a location and make a list of the best ones        
4.    Try different positions in the photo, who is standing where
  1. Take varying shots to see what are best, overhead, below eye line
  2. Take plenty of images and see which ones are the best to use

Ideas for the main cover line and other sell lines (and tag line): The tag line for the magazine is ‘Underground brought above ground!’ The main cover line will be ‘(Band name) Uncovered- Find out how they aim to become a success!’ Other sell lines will be ‘Exclusive: (Band)’s new release!!! Read the review inside’ ‘Win!! A chance to win a Jaxville Skulls Electric Guitar Pack’

Ideas for the contents page:
I will have an editor’s letter to the left hand side then the contents page will be split into two columns. One column would be the contents, text with the page number and the other column will contain images associated with the contents page. At the bottom left hand side of the page there will be a bigger image containing the band on the double page and the page number on the image. The heading will be at the top of the page as well.

What do I need to do to achieve this?
  1. Write an editor’s letter to put onto the contents page
  2. Take some pictures to put onto the contents page
  3. Create a list of pages that will be put onto the contents page
  4. Create a heading for the contents page to put on it
  5. Try out different layouts that may suit the magazine better, make some drafts
  6. Ask for people’s opinions on whether the contents page looks appealing and is clear to read
Ideas for the double page spread – type of feature.
The style of journalism that I will take on the double page spread will be novelistic. It will not just be a question and answer the quotes will be incorporated into the article. This is so facts can also be given about the band as well as actual quotes from them. I am also thinking of using big images which will take up one page. So half of the double page spread will be images.

What do I need to do to achieve this?
  1. I need to think of a list of questions that may be asked to a band
  2. I then need to think of answers that may have been said
  3. I then need to think about albums, singles and managers they have signed to, or whether it will be all independent
  4. I then need to write up a narrative piece on the interview (what they may have been doing during the interview)
  5. I then need to merge the interview answers into the article
  6. I then need to see if it needs any opinions incorporated within the article

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Review of a double page spread- RockSound

Front cover of the magazine issue
On the double page spread there was 15 paragraphs each averaging 85 words per paragraph; this totalled to 1282 words.
The target audience for the magazine is 16-24 year olds, who have an open-minded approach to music. The text mentions the label Beggars Banquet where they released their previous three records. It also mentions director Andy Morahan and goes into detail about other band's work he has been involved in and 14th floor signing. The whole article is about the release of their new album 'only revolutions' and how they feel about success. The double page spread also follows them on their filming of 'The Captain's' music video.
Although this is an interview it has not been set out like a conventional one. Instead it is a write up of the interview including the quotes directly. The article is informative as it details what is happening at the studio; the music video creation. It takes a light hearted approach and uses colloquial language to create a friendly persona.
  • Opens with some lyrics of the song
  • The opening sentence is very long using a lot of commas, almost creating a list. It creates an image of the band as a whole by introducing the lead singer
  • Lots of use of adjectives for detail 'extravagent, expensive, video.'
  • Uses maeterial verbs 'laughs Simon' so the reader can imagine the band's emotion
  • Another long sentence to detail the success of the album 'Puzzle.'
  • Use of colloquial language 'dude or dudette' engages with the reader
  • Personal opinion is used 'releasing the incredible full-length that was 'puzzle'
  • Dialogues is used throughout the article 'yeah, with four lighting guys,' laughs Simon. It's not a traditional interview style but is set out as continuous prose
  • Humour is also used 'seemingly lots on their way to a Hells Angels- meets- hills have eyes convention.'
Layout of the double page spread

The article is in two columns with the other pge taken up by an A4 image of the band. Quotes are taken from the article and are used to separate out the blocks of text. Also a textbox is layered on the top of te A4 image containing a part of the interview that is not related to the main article; about the music videos.

Codes and Conventions of a contents page

I have chosen two contrasting magazines to see how the codes and conventions differ with the target audience

NME contents

Background- White and red with stripes, black text.

Layout- Columns with images on sides and contents on the other. Logo in the top left so is the date. Heading is at the top of the page. Extracts from magazine in top right. It is 3 columns; Editor’s letter/ contents/ selected extracts from magazine.

Types of images- Collection of images on the front pages. Small thumbnails in contents page. Bigger thumbnails in right hand column. Larger image above those, an image of the editor by the editor’s letter. Two small images by the heading. In total there are 11 images.

Reader profile- Music is an important role in their life. Mainly males, whole magazine are based on music; no fashion or beauty. Interested in everything music.

Editor’s letter- Uses collective pronouns, rhetorical questions. It includes a page number to look at. Mostly about indie genre.

Style of language- Colloquial language, various argot, this makes it seem friendly, conversational.

X-factor contents

Background- There is a white background, no other colours are used, the colour comes from layered images

Layout- The page is split into two. The left hand column contains the editor’s letter and the right hand column contains the images and the contents page. The logo is in the top left hand corner just above the editor’s letter.

Types of images- The editor’s letter contains an image of the editor. There is also a large thumbnail image of Joe Mcelderry. There is also two smaller images in the bottom left page. In total there are 4 images on the contents page.

Reader profile- The majority are females, this is because X-factor the majority watched by females; also the magazine contains many pages about fashion and beauty. They are most interested in the show and there is not much about general music.

Style of language- The language is colloquial, more friendly and conversational. Interacts with the readers by using personal pronouns.

Codes and Conventions for a Music Magazine Front Page

These Codes and Conventions make it clear to the reader what the target audience is. I will foucs mainly on NME as it targets the same audience.

Pop (Smash Hits)
§         Colourful themes, range of different colours
§         Predominant image
§         Masthead takes up top 3rd of the page
§         Barcode with price, issue and date on it
§         Not much text, sell lines catchy
§         Text used is more simple and not that of music language (e.g. soprano, bass, tenor)
§         Lots of thumbnail images

Classical (Classic FM)
§         Plain colours, just two colours (white and red)
§         Barcode with price, issue and date
§         Predominant image
§         Simple tagline
§         A more bureaucratic style of language (language more advanced)
§         More music language used e.g. the use of soprano. Different names of instruments
§         Range of thumbnail images
§         Masthead takes up top 3rd of the magazine overlaying the image

Rock (Mojo and Rocksound)
§         White, black and red colour scheme on the front cover.
§         Predominant image
§         Masthead covering the whole top 3rd of the page
§         Barcode with price, issue and date
§         Thumbnail image in top corner
§         Sell lines are simple. Easy to understand.

§         Colours are dark, contrasting to the background
§         Masthead covering top 3rd of the page
§         Image layered over the masthead, takes up most of the page
§         Short catchy tagline
§         Different thumbnail images
§         List of bands included in the magazine
§         Uses quite harsh sounding words for the tag lines

Metal (Metal Hammer)
§         Dark colours mainly black, deep red and white
§         Tag line under the masthead
§         Masthead takes up top 3rd of the magazine
§         Predominant image
§         No sell lines (list of bands that feature in the magazine

Indie (NME)
§         Quite bright colour scheme consisting of 4 different colours.
§         Image covering most of the page
§         Barcode with price, issue and date.
§         Sell lines are quotes from inside the magazine, inside the articles. Not much information involved in sell lines, leave reader wondering what the article is about.

Wide range audience (Q)
§         Plain simple colour scheme, two different colours (red and white)
§         Predominant image
§         Masthead takes up 3rd top right of the magazine
§         Simple tagline

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Summary of Research

     People wanted a glossy Rock Indie magazine (which I will call unsigned) every fortnight priced at around £2.50- £3. The colour scheme they wanted for the magazine was black and blue and either grey or white.
     For the front cover most people wanted the main image on the front cover to be a group of either/ both gender with around 2 or three thumbnail images included on the front cover. They wanted the thumbnail images to be that of bands, instruments and action shots from gigs.
     On the contents page most people read the editor’s letter to get an expectation of the magazine and to become more personal with the editor.
     On the double page spread they wanted a band interview that had equal amounts of text and images. They didn’t want articles that had no relation to the magazine such as beauty or articles that had too much text. They also would like the article to have opinions but to not be too opinionated.
     For the advertisements they wanted the magazine to advertise gigs and TV shows, music albums, band rehearsals, instruments and festivals

Questionnaire Results

From the results there were various magazine names suggested:
unSigned, Buzz, Music Monthly, Music Central, Undercover, RockIn die, Doing indie, Rock Indie (2 people said this), Weekly Music, Listen Loud

Would you be interested in buying a rock indie magazine:
 75% of people said yes and 25% said no

How much would you be willing to pay for the magazine:
More people said £2.50- £3

Would you read the magazine weekly, fortnightly or monthly:
More people said fortnightly

Is there a spefic gender you would like to see on the front cover:
Most people said that they wouldn't mind either or both

Would you prefer the main image to be a solo artist or a group:
63% said a group picture, 37% wanted a solo artist

On average how many images would you like on the front cover:
Most people said one main image with two or three thumbnail images

What images would you like to see:
The majority of people said images of the bands but they also wanted to see instruments, action shots and images relating to albums

What kind of style would you like the magazine to be glossy or non- glossy:
87% said glossy, 13% said non- glossy

Which 3 colours would you like to see on the house style:
The most popular combinations were grey, black and blue and white black and blue

Do you read the editor's letter:
75% of people do and 25% of people don't

If you read the editor's letter what influences you to read it:
News about upcoming events, An idea of what to expect in the magazine (6 people said this)Gains a personal opinion on the editor, get to know them more (4 people said this)Idea of how the magazine was produced.To read the editor’s opinion on the magazine

If you don't read the editor's letter what would influence you to:
A personal story on the editor, more humour and news about upcoming events

What types of articles would you want featured on the double page spread:
Everyone wanted something related with the band, and many wanted an interview

On a double page spread what would you want the image to text ratio to be:
People wanted equal amounts

What articles would not attract your attention:
Things that do not relate to the magazine (7 people said this)Facts, Ones with loads of writing as it may become boring (2 people said this)Highly opiniated articles with no care for the readers. (2 people said this)Boring, pointless ones. Ones with too many images as they may not give much information. Gossip on the band, spilling their secrets (2 people said this)

Would you like opinionated articles to be featured in the magazine:
62% said yes and 38% said no

List 3 sell lines that would influence you to buy the magazine:
Exclusive Interview (5 people said this)Band info (2 people said this)Price, First hand news, Never seen before (3 people said this)Gossip (2 people said this)Quality, New release inside, Delving in deeper, Your music, Behind the scenes, Real stories (2 people said this)Eye catching, Fantastic interview with… (2 people said this)Introducing the latest craze, In here

3 key words that you would expect in a magazine:
Band names (7 people said this), UK, Unsigned (2 people said this), Real, Grunge, Exciting, Music (2 people said this), Exclusive (2 people said this), New, Best (2 people said this), Inside, Release, Underground, Latest, Hottest, Festival (3 people said this), Chart, Real, Interview, Gossip

Are there any specific advertisements you would like in the magazine:
People wanted gigs and TV shows, music albums, band rehearsals, instruments and festivals

Would you like any freebies included within the magazine:
75% of people wanted them while 25% of people didn't

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Music Questionnaire

I composed a questionnaire for the music magazine to understand what aspects people would like to see in the magazine, and on the front cover. This questionnaire covers all the features that I would like to find out on the contents page, front cover and double page spread.
The music magazine that I am creating will be based on a rock/ indie genre

Questionnaire for a rock and indie genre of magazine

1.       What would you call a new music magazine for the rock and indie genre?
2.       Would you be interested in buying a rock/ indie magazine?

3.       How much would you be willing to pay for the magazine?
Under £1

4.       Would you read the magazine weekly, fortnightly or monthly?

5.       Is there a specific gender you would like to see on the front cover?

6.       Would you prefer the main image to be a solo picture or a group?

7.       On average how many images would you like on the front cover?
8.       What images would you like to see?
9.       What kind of style would you like the magazine to be- glossy or non-glossy?

10.   Which 3 colours would you like to see in the house style?
11.   Do you read the editor’s letter?

12.   If yes, what influences you to read the letter?
13.   If no, what would influence you to read the letter?
14.   Which types of articles would you want featured on the double page?
15.   On a double page spread what would you like the image to text ratio to be?
More images
More text
Equal amounts

16.   Which articles would not attract your attention?
17.   Would you like opiniated articles to be featured in the magazine?

18.   List 3 sell line that would interest you into buying the magazine?
19.   Give 3 key words you’d expect on the front cover of the magazine?

20.   Are there any specific advertisements you would like to see in the magazine?
21.   Would you like any freebies included within the magazine?

It would be helpful for any male or female aged between 15- 30 to fill in this questionnaire. Thankyou :)