Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Questionnaire Results

From the results there were various magazine names suggested:
unSigned, Buzz, Music Monthly, Music Central, Undercover, RockIn die, Doing indie, Rock Indie (2 people said this), Weekly Music, Listen Loud

Would you be interested in buying a rock indie magazine:
 75% of people said yes and 25% said no

How much would you be willing to pay for the magazine:
More people said £2.50- £3

Would you read the magazine weekly, fortnightly or monthly:
More people said fortnightly

Is there a spefic gender you would like to see on the front cover:
Most people said that they wouldn't mind either or both

Would you prefer the main image to be a solo artist or a group:
63% said a group picture, 37% wanted a solo artist

On average how many images would you like on the front cover:
Most people said one main image with two or three thumbnail images

What images would you like to see:
The majority of people said images of the bands but they also wanted to see instruments, action shots and images relating to albums

What kind of style would you like the magazine to be glossy or non- glossy:
87% said glossy, 13% said non- glossy

Which 3 colours would you like to see on the house style:
The most popular combinations were grey, black and blue and white black and blue

Do you read the editor's letter:
75% of people do and 25% of people don't

If you read the editor's letter what influences you to read it:
News about upcoming events, An idea of what to expect in the magazine (6 people said this)Gains a personal opinion on the editor, get to know them more (4 people said this)Idea of how the magazine was produced.To read the editor’s opinion on the magazine

If you don't read the editor's letter what would influence you to:
A personal story on the editor, more humour and news about upcoming events

What types of articles would you want featured on the double page spread:
Everyone wanted something related with the band, and many wanted an interview

On a double page spread what would you want the image to text ratio to be:
People wanted equal amounts

What articles would not attract your attention:
Things that do not relate to the magazine (7 people said this)Facts, Ones with loads of writing as it may become boring (2 people said this)Highly opiniated articles with no care for the readers. (2 people said this)Boring, pointless ones. Ones with too many images as they may not give much information. Gossip on the band, spilling their secrets (2 people said this)

Would you like opinionated articles to be featured in the magazine:
62% said yes and 38% said no

List 3 sell lines that would influence you to buy the magazine:
Exclusive Interview (5 people said this)Band info (2 people said this)Price, First hand news, Never seen before (3 people said this)Gossip (2 people said this)Quality, New release inside, Delving in deeper, Your music, Behind the scenes, Real stories (2 people said this)Eye catching, Fantastic interview with… (2 people said this)Introducing the latest craze, In here

3 key words that you would expect in a magazine:
Band names (7 people said this), UK, Unsigned (2 people said this), Real, Grunge, Exciting, Music (2 people said this), Exclusive (2 people said this), New, Best (2 people said this), Inside, Release, Underground, Latest, Hottest, Festival (3 people said this), Chart, Real, Interview, Gossip

Are there any specific advertisements you would like in the magazine:
People wanted gigs and TV shows, music albums, band rehearsals, instruments and festivals

Would you like any freebies included within the magazine:
75% of people wanted them while 25% of people didn't

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